At What Time Should I Put My Bunny to Bed?

At What Time Should I Put My Bunny to Bed?

Rabbits are crepuscular animals and are most active at dawn and dusk. This means that rabbits are active from dawn to mid-morning, they sleep in the middle of the day, and they are also awake in the evenings.  This is the rabbit’s biology and we can’t change that because they don’t sleep all at once … Read more

Bathing My Bunny: Can a Rabbit Take a Bath?

Can a Rabbit Take a Bath?

Taking care of a new pet may bring up a lot of questions. Maintaining hygiene is important and probably at the top of your list.  Wondering what’s the protocol with your new pet rabbit? You’re not the only one. Many fellow bunny owners think the same thing: can a rabbit take a bath? We all … Read more

Is it OK for My Rabbit to Eat Grass?

Is it OK for My Rabbit to Eat Grass?

The first time you go to the vet in search of rabbit care tips, you get a list of things your rabbit can and can’t eat.  A friend joked her list of things not to feed was longer than of things she could feed her bunny.  And though she was joking, there was some truth … Read more

Do Bunnies Need to be Potty Trained?

Do bunnies need to be potty trained?

Those who prefer cats to bunnies assume cats are clean animals and bunnies only litter around. They forget that you can litter train a bunny the same way you would a cat. Bunnies choose one or two spots to deposit their excrement. These spots are always private and hidden as they don’t like invasions. You … Read more

Why Does My Rabbit Put Her Head Down When I Pet Her?

Why Does My Rabbit Put Her Head Down When I Pet Her?

Having a new pet is exciting, but what do you do when you don’t have the “average” pet like a cat or dog? How do you know how to read their body language and understand their moods?  If you’re confused about something your rabbit has done, you probably don’t have someone you know with pet … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Bananas?

Can rabbits eat banana

You can offer your bunny apples, pineapples, or pretty much any fruit as a treat. Which got me wondering, can bunnies eat bananas too? Is it safe for their complex digestive systems? If you have the same questions, you’ve come to the right place. This post answers whether rabbits can eat bananas and how to … Read more

How Much Space Does a Rabbit Need to be Comfortable?

How Much Space Does a Rabbit Need to be Comfortable?

Rabbits are very active animals, so they need enough space to run around and play. But how much is enough? This depends on the number of rabbits you want to keep and their size. But regardless, the bigger the space, the better for your bunny. Let’s discuss the minimum space requirement for your bunny and … Read more