How Much Space Does a Rabbit Need to be Comfortable?

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How Much Space Does a Rabbit Need to be Comfortable?

Rabbits are very active animals, so they need enough space to run around and play. But how much is enough?

This depends on the number of rabbits you want to keep and their size. But regardless, the bigger the space, the better for your bunny.

Let’s discuss the minimum space requirement for your bunny and things to consider when setting up a home for bunnies. 

How Much Space Does a House Rabbit Need?

According to the House Rabbit Society, a house rabbit needs at least 8 square feet of enclosed space and an additional 24 square feet of open space.

But we all know some rabbits are bigger than others, depending on the breed. The rule of thumb is a space about 4-6 times your bunny’s size; if you can provide more, even better.

The point to remember is that your rabbit’s space is more than a sleeping area and a place to feed from. They need an open area in addition to that.

You can opt for a two-story house design with the floors linked by a ramp, as this amuses bunnies.

How much space does a rabbit need in a cage?

Depending on the size of the rabbit, 30 by 36 inches of space is ideal for a giant bunny, while 24 by 36 inches suits a small bunny.

The size depends on the breed, so it’s advisable to consider the available space when choosing a breed. 

A small enclosed space is not suitable for your bunny as they like to move around. Confining him may lead to boredom and frustration, which can affect his health.

Wild rabbits constantly move around to kill boredom, so every rabbit owner should mimic this and ensure enough space to stretch for the bunny. 

And since you can’t monitor your bunny throughout the day, sufficient space in a cage is necessary. 

The cage should be big enough such that your bunny doesn’t touch the walls when stretching in all directions. It should also be high enough that the top shouldn’t touch the ears when your bunny stands. 

Simply, the walls and top should be as far as possible such that your bunny doesn’t notice them.

You can also use this guide by Michigan State University: Source

Two rabbits inside a cage
Two rabbits inside a cage

Do rabbits require a lot of space?

That depends on how much you mean by a lot. 

Generally, a rabbit needs enough space to run around and stretch comfortably. If you are working on a limited space, you can always go for the story design as it saves on space and is also best for bunnies.

In the wild, rabbits make burrows where they can snuggle once in a while. This shows they are naturally used to small spaces and don’t need a whole human house.

But don’t get me wrong, by “small space,” I don’t mean tiny confinement where she must get her head out to feed. I mean, enough to allow free movement but not big enough to stress you up. 

I’m saying small because you can’t compare the space with that of a big dog. But if you can provide that much, go for it.

What is the best size for a rabbit cage?

A size four times bigger than your bunny’s size. The bigger the bunny, the more space there is. 

But this shouldn’t restrict you if you can provide more space. Even six times the size of your bunny is an option.

The idea is to do as much as possible. There is no harm in providing a large space, but there is harm in giving a size we can consider too small.

Things to Consider When Determining Space for Your Bunny

Some of the things to consider when determining space for your rabbit include:

Bunny inside a cage
Bunny inside a cage

1. Size of the bunny

As I said, the size of your bunny should guide you on the amount of space. A large bunny will need a large space, while a small bunny will require a “slightly smaller” space. 

The space should allow your bunny to move around and eat comfortably without touching the ends.

2. Number of bunnies you intend to keep

You can’t keep two bunnies in a one-space bunny. If you are holding two of them, increase the size accordingly. 

That is, each bunny should occupy a space four to six times its size. Do the math for each rabbit and add an extra foot or two if you can. 

3. Available space

The available space affects the space you set for your rabbit. But this doesn’t mean you reduce the area and compromise the comfort of your bunny. It means you work with the minimum requirements per rabbit.

In the same way, if you have more space at your disposal, increase the dimensions, because the bigger, the better. You can even provide the two-rabbit space for a single rabbit because there is no harm in providing more space.

4. Future expectations

This applies primarily to female rabbits. Do you intend to have baby rabbits in the future? If so, then you need to increase the space for your bunny.

Determine the space as required, then increase it as much as you can to accommodate the young ones in the future. 

This also applies if you intend to bring more bunnies in the future. 

5. Breed 

Breed affects the size and how active your bunny is. A larger space is necessary if you are going for an active bunny. But if you opt for a less active one, you can settle on the minimum requirements per bunny. 

How Much Space Does a Rabbit Need to Enjoy Runs and Time Outside the Cage?

As much space as possible. The space for outside runs and activities should be at least two times the enclosed space. 

That said, you can attach the two spaces with an enclosed path so your bunny can run to the open area anytime he feels like it. You should provide enough space that accommodates any outside activity.

How Much Room Does a Rabbit Need? : Rabbit Care

The Importance of Rabbit Runs: Why should you give your rabbit space to run around?

Rabbits are social and active animals, hence they need enough space to run around. Movement is essential for your bunny because:

  • It allows rabbits to express their instincts 
  • It prevents boredom, which may cause loneliness and lead to stress
  • It is an exercise routine for your rabbit
  • It strengthens your rabbit’s muscles 
  • It affects the health of your bunny in general

Final Thoughts

Rabbits are, by nature, active animals, so they need enough space to express themselves. 

Before getting a rabbit, consider the available space and get a size that fits the space.

In addition, don’t forget your rabbit needs an outside space away from the enclosed space. You can also leave him to roam, provided you monitor him. 

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Jennifer Bourassa is a passionate animal lover and the founder of The Rabbit Retreat, a website dedicated to educating rabbit owners and providing them with the necessary resources to care for their furry friends. With over a decade of experience in rabbit care, Jennifer is a knowledgeable and compassionate advocate for these beloved pets. Jennifer's love for rabbits started when she adopted her first bunny, Thumper, and quickly realized the joy and challenges that come with rabbit ownership. Since then, she has made it her mission to help other rabbit owners navigate the ins and outs of bunny care, from feeding and grooming to housing and more. With The Rabbit Retreat, Jennifer hopes to build a community of like-minded rabbit enthusiasts who can share their experiences and support one another in providing the best possible care for their furry companions.