How Much Does It Cost to Get Rabbit Claws Cut?

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How Much Does It Cost to Get Rabbit Claws Cut?

Rabbits don’t require as much maintenance as big pets like dogs. However, their teeth and nails keep growing, and you have to make sure this doesn’t hurt them. 

The tooth growth can be managed by chew toys, but the claw growth requires human intervention. If you feel uncomfortable about trimming your rabbit’s nails, you might want to have them professionally cut.

In this article, you will learn how much it costs to get rabbit claws cut in different states, cities, and in general. You will also discover ways to get rabbit nails trimmed for free and the best tool to buy if you want to trim rabbit nails at home.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Rabbit Claws Cut?

Getting a rabbit’s claw cut costs between $5 and $7. However, it makes little financial sense to pay no more than $5 for this relatively minute procedure that can also be done at home. Anyone can cut rabbit nails with a $10 specialized rabbit nail clipper.

Pricing can vary but only slightly because of the low-effort nature of this procedure. But if you are an inexperienced pet owner visiting an unethical and greedy vet, you might end up getting overcharged. Knowing the average price in specific states can help you avoid this.

Cost in the Coastal States

In coastal states, the price for rabbit claw cutting can go up to $7, with metropolitan areas charging up to $10 (the same as dog nail cutting) in some cases. 

This is more often the case on the West Coast than on the East Coast. Of course, it is not feasible to travel from either coast to a different location for cheaper nail-clipping.

Cost in Middle America

A rabbit laying down on sand
A rabbit laying down on sand

In Middle America, breeders and pet owners offer $1 nail-clipping in some towns, while the average vet charges $5 to cut a rabbit’s nails. If you live in a non-coastal state, it is worth checking with a rabbit breeder, pet shop owner, or even a pet sitter you know. They might offer the service.

It might seem like middle America is at an advantage, but when sourcing quotes from different vets, we discovered a hidden advantage in major cities, most of which are coastal. Veterinary clinics offer free nail trimming with any paid procedure or check-up!

The Average Cost in Major Cities

CityRabbit Nail Clipping Cost (Vet)Rabbit Nail Clipping Cost (Groomer)
New York$10$7
Los Angeles$10 Free with other paid procedures (in some establishments)$5
Chicago$5. Free upon the first visit.$4
San Diego$5. Free with other paid procedures (in some establishments).$5
Phoenix$3 – $5. Free with other paid procedures (in some establishments).$5. Free with occasional offers.
San Jose$5. Free trimming vouchers become available from time to time.$5

Factors That Affect the Cost of Rabbit Claw Cutting

  • Vet availability – Generally, vets charge no more than $5 to $7 to clip small pets’ nails. But if there are very few vets in an area, each one can get away with pricing his services higher.
  • Transport/Fuel – Given that gas prices have experienced steep and abrupt changes, the overall cost of the trimming trip might get higher because of the transport factor. The farther you need to drive, the more it will cost overall.
  • Traditional Economics (supply and demand) – Finally, supply and demand factor into claw-cutting prices. Dog groomers and general vets get requests to trim dogs’ nails. They price this service at $10. Rabbit nail-cutting is not requested as often and might not be pre-priced.

Cutting the Rabbit’s Claws at Home vs. Professionally Cut

A rabbit looking cute with his glasses on
A rabbit looking cute with his glasses on

Regardless of the factors above, cutting your rabbit’s claws at home is a cheaper option, even if you have to buy clippers for the first try. We recommend the Kalamanda Rabbit Grooming Kit because of its value-for-money proposition. 

It comes with clippers alongside other rabbit grooming accessories and costs about the same as two professional nail-cutting sessions. 

Since rabbit nails are in dire need of cutting after two months, you would save a minimum of $50 with a $10 nail-cutting kit. But since money isn’t the only factor, let’s compare professional nail cutting to cutting your pet’s nails yourself.

Here are the pros and cons of cutting rabbit nails at home vs. having them cut professionally.

Cutting Rabbit Nails At HomeHaving a Vet Cut Your Rabbit’s Nails
ProYou’re self-sufficientThere is minimal risk of injury under professional guidance
ConYou need to buy a specialized nail clipper.You have to pay a professional to cut the nails.
ProYou don’t have to keep paying others.It is cheaper than getting clippers.
ConYou might not be comfortable cutting the rabbit nails yourself.Repeated visits can stack up the bills.
ProYou can keep rabbit nails short.Secondary issues can be detected quickly when you keep visiting the vet.
ConYou might accidentally cut the quick (blood vessel).The rabbit might not be as comfortable during the procedure.

The glaring drawback to cutting rabbit nails yourself is that you might accidentally cut the quick, which is located inside its claws. The portion of the claw that goes beyond the end point of the quick is the excess that needs to be cut. 

Specialized clippers are designed to avoid this, but if you’re using them for petite rabbits like the mini rex, you might still accidentally cut more than you should.

The rule of thumb is to avoid cutting any portion that intrudes on the furry underpaw. But it is advisable to check out resources on how to cut rabbit nails. 

This video explains the best way to stop bleeding if you end up accidentally cutting the quick


It costs $5 to $7 to get your rabbit’s nails cut. But if you get a $10 trimmer, you don’t have to spend $60 each year paying a professional to do what an owner can do at home. 

If you live in a major city, make sure to look up free pet nail trim deals. They show up on platforms like Yelp and Groupon.

Photo of author


Jennifer Bourassa is a passionate animal lover and the founder of The Rabbit Retreat, a website dedicated to educating rabbit owners and providing them with the necessary resources to care for their furry friends. With over a decade of experience in rabbit care, Jennifer is a knowledgeable and compassionate advocate for these beloved pets. Jennifer's love for rabbits started when she adopted her first bunny, Thumper, and quickly realized the joy and challenges that come with rabbit ownership. Since then, she has made it her mission to help other rabbit owners navigate the ins and outs of bunny care, from feeding and grooming to housing and more. With The Rabbit Retreat, Jennifer hopes to build a community of like-minded rabbit enthusiasts who can share their experiences and support one another in providing the best possible care for their furry companions.