Can Rabbits Have Apples? Are Apple Seeds & Stems Safe?

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Can Rabbits Have Apples

Rabbits are adorable, curious, and loving pets. Making sure that your rabbit is well taken care of is important when it comes to their health and their happiness. Diet is an integral part of that. 

Ensuring that your rabbit has a balanced diet is essential. Rabbits have notoriously fickle digestive systems, which means that what you feed your rabbit is of utmost importance. 

A rabbit’s diet should consist mostly of hay. They should also have green, leafy veggies. Fruits are not high on the priority list when it comes to your bunny’s diet. However, fruits can be great, occasional treats for your bunny. 

That poses the following questions: What fruits do rabbits eat? Can rabbits have apples? What nutritional benefits do bananas offer?

Can rabbits have apples?

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is a top priority for your bunny. Your pet is probably so adorable that you’re tempted to give them occasional treats. That’s fine! 

Fruits can be a wonderful treat for your rabbit. But, what fruits are safe? Do apples make the list?

Apples are safe to feed your rabbits

Yes! Rabbits can safely eat any kind of apple. However, rabbits should only be given fruits occasionally. They shouldn’t make up a large part of your rabbit’s diet. As I said, hay should make up the majority of your rabbit’s diet, followed by leafy greens. 

Serving your rabbit too much fruit (apples or any other fruit) will cause problems for their sensitive digestive systems.

How much apple can a rabbit eat?

Your rabbit should only be fed a very small part of the apple. Your rabbit can not easily munch on an apple as a snack because its stomach is much smaller. 

You should only serve your rabbit 1-2 slices a week. Your bunny’s belly can only handle a maximum of two apple slices a week. 

Ideally, you should mix up what fruits you give to your rabbit as treats. That means that you shouldn’t be giving your bunny only apples all the time. They need some variety. 

You need to control the portion size of the apples that you feed to your rabbit because apples, like other fruits, have a high sugar content. Too much sugar in your rabbit’s diet can lead to several health issues, such as digestion problems and obesity. 

But, when served in the correct portions, apples have many health benefits for rabbits. 

Apples are good snacks for a Rabbit
“A rabbit sharing an apple with his owner” by Elizabeth Brey on Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Benefits of apples for rabbits

Although they have a high amount of sugar, apples do have many nutritional benefits. 

Apples are still relatively low-calorie fruits. Apples help your rabbit maintain a healthy digestive system with their high fiber content. Having a healthy amount of fiber in the diet can also prevent heart disease. 

Apples also contain calcium, which is good for your bunny’s bone health. Possibly even more importantly (or just as important), calcium also helps to keep your rabbit’s teeth strong and healthy, too. 

Apples contain potassium. Low potassium levels in rabbits can result in a wide range of health problems, including muscle weakness, stunted growth, cardiac issues, and weight loss. 

There is a lot of vitamin B in apples. These vitamins help your rabbit’s nervous system. Apples also contain vitamin C, which is great for rabbits’ immune systems. And, as another bonus, apples have antioxidants, which are great for overall health. 

How to serve apples to your rabbit

Whenever serving any type of fruit or veggie to your rabbits, they should be washed and cleaned thoroughly.

Rabbits can eat the skin of the apple but not the stems or seeds. Both of them are toxic to your bunny, and they can cause stomach pains or vomiting for your rabbit. They can even cause death if they are consumed in large quantities. 

When serving your rabbit apple, it’s best to just cut the apple into slices and remove the seeds and stem. You can even cut the slice into chunks. Just a couple of teaspoons is enough for your rabbit. 

What other fruits can rabbits eat?

What other fruits can rabbits eat
What other fruits can rabbits eat

Here’s a list of fruits that are rabbit-safe: 

  • Apples
  • Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • Melon
  • Mango
  • Papayas
  • Peaches
  • Plums

Just like people, individual rabbits will vary. Some may have an even more sensitive stomach than others.

Before you introduce fruit to your rabbit’s diet, you should first and foremost make sure it’s safe for them to eat. Then, after serving a new fruit to your rabbit, you should observe its body’s reaction. Check to see that your rabbit is still its healthy self after adding any new foods to its diet. 

If ever in doubt about what is safe for your rabbit to ingest, double-check with a veterinarian to be sure.
Explaining how to safely feed your rabbit an apple

Say yes to apples

Apples are approved as a bunny-safe treat. Feel free to mix apples into your rabbit’s diet! 

But, remember that the majority of a rabbit’s diet should be hay and green, leafy veggies. Fruits should only make up about 5% of a healthy rabbit’s diet. 

Use fruits as treats sparingly. Make sure to only serve healthy, safe portion sizes. While apples are a wonderful option to sprinkle into your rabbit’s diet, don’t go all in on one fruit. Vary the fruits that you treat your bunny to. 

You also have to double-check to make sure all the new fruits are safe and to be sure that you are serving them correctly. 

So, chunk up those apples, leave out the stems and seeds, and let your bunny go to town on some sweet treats!

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Jennifer Bourassa is a passionate animal lover and the founder of The Rabbit Retreat, a website dedicated to educating rabbit owners and providing them with the necessary resources to care for their furry friends. With over a decade of experience in rabbit care, Jennifer is a knowledgeable and compassionate advocate for these beloved pets. Jennifer's love for rabbits started when she adopted her first bunny, Thumper, and quickly realized the joy and challenges that come with rabbit ownership. Since then, she has made it her mission to help other rabbit owners navigate the ins and outs of bunny care, from feeding and grooming to housing and more. With The Rabbit Retreat, Jennifer hopes to build a community of like-minded rabbit enthusiasts who can share their experiences and support one another in providing the best possible care for their furry companions.