Can Rabbits Eat Spinach? A Guide To Bunnies & Spinach

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Can Rabbits Eat Spinach?

Every rabbit parent knows that fresh hay, clean water, and leafy greens are essential for a healthy bunny. You can never go wrong with hay and water, so long as the hay is fresh and the water is clean.

But for greens, we all get hesitant because not all vegetables agree with our cute bunnies. Their sensitive digestive systems make them vulnerable to stomach problems that can be fatal. 

Spinach falls under dark leafy green vegetables and is packed with nutrients, making it ideal for optimal health. But can rabbits eat spinach?

Keep reading to find out.

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach?

Yes, rabbits can eat spinach, and it’s one of the recommended vegetables in your bunny’s diet.

It’s rich in essential nutrients, so you’ll be doing your bunny a favor by feeding him spinach. Besides, unlike vegetables like carrots, spinach has less sugar content, so it is ideal if you are watching your bunny’s weight. It also contains water, keeping your bunny hydrated.

However, feeding him this nutrient-dense vegetable comes at a cost. This vegetable contains calcium oxalate, a calcium salt that may affect how your rabbit absorbs other nutrients

The good news, though, is that you can solve this by feeding spinach occasionally but not daily. Two to three times a week is okay. Also, observe health guidelines like feeding hay and water when giving your bunny spinach.

This is important as your bunny is meant to digest roughages, so feeding spinach alongside the usual hay helps in digestion, reducing the chances of stomach problems. 

Another thing, the spinach should be free from pesticides and dirt to be safe for your bunny. Organic spinach is the best option, but if you can’t get it, clean your spinach thoroughly before feeding it to your rabbit.

What about spinach stalks and stems?

Fresh spinach
Fresh spinach

The first thing that comes to mind when we hear about spinach is the leafy part. We forget spinach is a whole plant with roots, stems, and leaves.

Let’s say when I said rabbits can eat spinach, I meant the leaves; what about stalks and stems? 

You’ll be glad to know that spinach stalks and stems are safe to feed your bunny.

Actually, they are better than leaves because they contain more fiber. And remember, ninety percent of your bunny’s diet should be fiber. So if he can enjoy the nutrients plus more fiber, why not?

Aside from the health benefit, chewing the stalk is fun for your bunny. Rabbits enjoy chewing; that’s why you will notice they are constantly munching on something. It keeps them active and alert, and since the stalk is tougher than the leaves, they need to chew through it. 

So whenever you are feeding your bunny spinach, include the stalk and stem and let him enjoy.

Are rabbits allowed spinach roots?

If you own a garden, you can probably get your bunny’s spinach from it, which means you have access to spinach roots as well. So, can you feed them to your rabbit?

I suggest you avoid roots completely, not because your bunny can’t eat them, but because they are not the healthiest option. They may be a little tough, but your rabbit will enjoy the challenge. 

However, spinach roots contain more sugar content than the rest of the spinach. If you let him, your bunny will love chewing on the roots because they are sweeter. Rabbits love sweet things and can quickly develop a sweet tooth.

Leaves are less sugary because the high water content neutralizes everything, including the calories, making them healthier. So instead of roots, feed stems, stalks, and leaves so you don’t counteract the health benefits.

Types of Spinach to Feed Your Bunny

Spinach belongs to the same plant family as chard and beets. There are typically four types of spinach, which include:

  • Flat leaf spinach
  • Baby spinach
  • Savoy spinach
  • Semi-savoy spinach

As the name suggests, flat-leaf spinach has flat leaves. On the other hand, savoy spinach has curly leaves, while semi-savoy is a hybrid of flat leaf and savoy spinach. Baby spinach has flat leaves but is smaller than the others. 

Rabbits can safely eat all four types of spinach. They particularly love baby spinach, as it tends to be a little sweeter than the other types.

Raw vs. Cooked Spinach

Whether wild or domesticated, rabbits are naturally meant to digest raw food. That said, never feed cooked spinach to your bunny. 

Heat interferes with the structure of the vegetable, particularly the fiber content. As a result, almost all the fiber will be lost once you cook the spinach. 

As I said, the rabbit’s digestive system is meant to digest roughages, so anything with less or zero fiber may cause blockage. Your bunny will have trouble digesting cooked spinach, so it will only sit in the intestines, causing a blockage.

How Much Spinach Can I Give My Bunny?

Your bunny’s size should be the guideline for the amount of spinach to feed him. A small bunny can’t eat the same amount of spinach as a giant bunny. In the same way, a young rabbit should eat less than an adult rabbit. 

For small and young bunnies, a few leaves per serving is okay. As for your gigantic friend, serve half a cup of spinach or more, depending on the part of spinach you are serving him. 

Suppose it’s the stalks, cut into tiny bits so they can fit in his mouth. 

Rabbit on grass
Rabbit on grass

If you are serving leaves, you don’t need to chop as your bunny can easily munch through. Maybe reduce it to a size that fits his feeding bowl. 

How much also depends on how often you feed your bunny spinach. And since we agreed that you should not feed him spinach every day, feed him twice or thrice a week. 

Alternatively, feed once every three days while adhering to a few leaves or half a cup per serving. 

Nutrition Benefits of Spinach for Rabbits 

Spinach leaves contain high water content, which keeps your bunny hydrated. They also contain fiber, which is essential for your bunny’s health. However, this applies to raw and not cooked spinach.

Stacks and stems contain more fiber, so include them if possible. Even better, this fiber is insoluble, so it remains intact and helps solidify the stool.

Spinach contains vitamins A, B9, and K1. While vitamin A maintains healthy bones and teeth, vitamin B9, folic acid, helps fight heart disease.

Vitamin K1 is a natural anticoagulant that prevents blood from thickening, ensuring constant flow throughout the body.

Another important nutrient value is iron, which helps circulate oxygen throughout the body. Spinach is also packed with calcium for strong bones and teeth. Another present mineral is magnesium, which supports a healthy heart.

All these are essential nutrients that your bunny needs for optimal health. And while you can find some in other vegetables, spinach remains the ideal solution because it contains most of the essential nutritional value.

You can alternate with other vegetables so your bunny can acquire other nutrients absent in spinach.

The Dangers of Feeding Spinach to Rabbits 

While spinach tops the list of nutrient-dense vegetables for your rabbit, there is one danger associated with it.

It contains calcium oxalate, which can affect calcium absorption in your bunny’s body. Rabbits have a complex digestive system, and their bodies absorb calcium differently from humans.

Calcium oxalate is a mineral binding compound that may interfere with the absorption of other nutrients. That’s why you are advised to feed spinach in moderation to avoid compromising the absorption of nutrients. 

How to feed spinach to your bunny 

First things first, thoroughly clean the spinach before anything else. If possible, get organic spinach as it is less contaminated with insecticides. 

Next, slice it into small pieces and feed it to your rabbit. If feeding for the first time, introduce it gradually while monitoring your rabbit’s reaction. 

Make sure you watch how he reacts for the next 24 hours to know if everything is okay. In the event of any changes, stop feeding him spinach and consult your vet for professional advice. 

Also, don’t introduce anything new alongside spinach. This way, you can know what caused the reactions in case there are any. 

Even when he is used to spinach, always feed him in moderation and never serve it in place of his usual hay and pellets. It should be a part of his diet, but hay should represent a significant portion.

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach?


Now you know rabbits can eat spinach, and it’s actually one of the best vegetables to serve your bunny. Its nutritional value is something to fight for and has zero adverse effects when served in moderation. 

Feel free to give your bunny this valuable vegetable, but remember to observe the required health guidelines.

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Jennifer Bourassa is a passionate animal lover and the founder of The Rabbit Retreat, a website dedicated to educating rabbit owners and providing them with the necessary resources to care for their furry friends. With over a decade of experience in rabbit care, Jennifer is a knowledgeable and compassionate advocate for these beloved pets. Jennifer's love for rabbits started when she adopted her first bunny, Thumper, and quickly realized the joy and challenges that come with rabbit ownership. Since then, she has made it her mission to help other rabbit owners navigate the ins and outs of bunny care, from feeding and grooming to housing and more. With The Rabbit Retreat, Jennifer hopes to build a community of like-minded rabbit enthusiasts who can share their experiences and support one another in providing the best possible care for their furry companions.