5 Best Rabbit Litters For 2024 – Review & Buying Guide

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Best Rabbit Litter

There are so many options for rabbit litter out here, so choosing the best one for your bunnies might be challenging. Some are amazing, while others might not be so great. 

The wrong type of litter can cause health complications. That’s why we’ve done the research to provide you with reviews to help you choose the best options like Kaytee Wood Pellets for Small Animals.

But why is litter necessary? Whether your bunnies are caged or indoor bunnies, litter training is kind of a big deal. It makes cage cleaning easy and helps maintain a clean home environment.

If you don’t litter train your rabbits, they will get dirty, making them uncomfortable and prone to infections and parasites. Litter training controls odor in the home and keeps your rabbits clean, meaning fewer baths.

Rabbit inside his cage
Rabbit inside his cage

Our Top 5 Rabbit Litter at a glance

Here are our top picks for the best rabbit litters.

Types of rabbit litter

There is a range of different types of rabbit litter you can buy. Here is a breakdown of the types you can get.

  • Wood shavings are quite common, but you should use them with caution and in well-ventilated spaces. Some wood, such as pine and cedar, should not be used unless they’re heat-treated or kiln-dried to get rid of phenol, a substance in softwoods that is toxic to rabbits. 
  • Aspen shavings – it’s a type of wood shaving, but it’s safe for rabbits. It’s odorless as it’s free from aromatic smells.
  • Straw – this is not the best litter option since rabbits can ingest it.
  • Paper pellets -are a common and great option because it’s highly absorbent.
  • Paper-based – It has the best absorbency and is the safest option.
  • Shredded paper – also often used as bedding. It varies in texture and absorbency depending on the type of paper used. Soft paper is the best.
  • Clay-based – not a safe option because of how it clumps when exposed to moisture. If ingested, the clumping can cause health complications.

List Of The best litter for rabbits

1. Kaytee Wood Pellets for Small Animals

Kaytee Wood Pellets

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Kaytee Wood Pellets are made of 100% natural wood—aspen and pine wood. These pellets expand to absorb liquid, which also controls bad odors and makes cleaning easy. 

The company recommends cleaning the habitat at least once a week. The frequency of cleaning prevents the rabbit from developing respiratory issues, which the urine can cause.


  • Less dust and wood debris
  • No additives
  • Keeps odor down
  • Safe for your rabbit
  • Easy to clean up


  • Pine can cause respiratory complications

2. Oxbow Animal Health Eco-Straw Litter

Oxbow Animal Health Eco-Straw Litter

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Oxbow Animal Health Eco-Straw is made from wheat, making it safe for rabbit consumption. It is highly absorbent and can hold a lot of liquid – a little can go a long way. The pellets are easy to clean because they expand when wet, making them easy for you to scoop.

Finally, it’s chemical-free and odorless, making it biodegradable and 100% compostable, which is an important factor to consider when buying. 


  • Safe for consumption
  • Super absorbent
  • Easy to clean
  • Environmentally friendly


  • Some users complain that it’s too pricey

3. Carefresh Small Pet Bedding

Carefresh Small Pet Bedding

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Carefresh litter is a sustainable product made of 100% natural paper fiber, which makes a soft and comfortable place for your rabbit to nest. It has a great odor control formula that controls odors for up to 10 days, which is a great option for people looking to keep their rabbits indoors.

Since it is made of natural paper fiber, it has super absorbency, twice as much as shavings to keep your rabbit warm and dry. 

Additionally, it’s 99% dust-free and free from toxic chemicals, which makes it safe.


  • Easy to clean
  • No toxic chemicals or additives
  • Biodegradable and compostable


  • Some users claim that it has a slight smell and that it’s rough and coarse

4. FreshNews Recycled Paper Litter

FreshNews Recycled Paper Litter

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Made from recycled paper, this product is safe for your rabbits. It has super absorbency – the company claims it absorbs almost 3x more than clay. The pallets are soft, dust-free, and contain ammonia blockers to control odor and keep your rabbit’s letter box smelling fresh.

Since it’s 100% recycled paper, the litter is biodegradable. It’s 100% non-allergenic and provides a healthy, safe, and non-toxic environment for your rabbit.


  • Super absorbency
  • Pellets are easy to scoop when wet, making the litter easy to clean
  • Has ammonia locker
  • Non-toxic 
  • Dust-free 


  • Large amounts of paper can lead to constipation and internal blockages if ingested

5. Small Pet Select: Aspen Bedding

Small Pet Select

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The final product on our list is Small Pet Select; Aspen Bedding. Technically, it’s bedding but it works great as a litter too. This product is made from wood shavings, not logs, so it’s safe for your rabbit. It provides comfort due to its ability to absorb moisture.


  • Recyclable and compostable
  • Easy to clean
  • High absorbency
  • Safe for your rabbit


  • Some people say that it’s dusty

Rabbit on litter
Rabbit on litter

What to consider when choosing a suitable litter for your rabbits

Finding suitable litter can help you avoid certain issues, such as the rabbit having to urinate outside. Make sure you consider the following:

  • Unscented – some litters are perfumed or contain additives to eliminate odor. These types can turn off rabbits, and the chemicals used can be unsafe. The best kind of litter is unscented.
  • Odor control – rabbit urine can be pretty strong and produce a foul smell. A smelly litter box can encourage the rabbits to pee outside. That’s why it’s essential to choose a product that controls odor but doesn’t be tempted to buy scented litter.
  • Safety – you should buy products that are completely safe for your rabbits. Choose products that are non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals and additives. Also, check if the product can cause health complications if consumed.
  • Dust-free or less dust – Always check if the product is dust-free. Dust can cause issues in the respiratory system of rabbits.
  • Absorbency – rabbits need a comfortable environment. Always pick a highly absorbent litter to absorb liquid and keep your rabbits dry.
  • Easy to clean– look for litter that won’t stick to the litter boxes or trays.

How to litter train your rabbit

Is your rabbit spayed or neutered? Spaying or neutering is the most important part of potty training a rabbit. It has several benefits, including reducing their chances of wanting to mark territories; reducing the chances of getting a urinary tract infection, and making them easier to manage and bond with.

Here’s what you’ll need to train: a litter box with low sides, litter or bedding, and hay.

Step 1: Place the litter box in your rabbit’s favorite spot

Does the rabbit have a specific place where she pees? Place the box there. If not, place it where her hay is.

If the rabbit is caged, place the box in one of the corners.

Step 2: Teach the rabbit how to use the litter box. 

If you notice signs that she might need to pee or pop (lifting her tail, squatting to a seating position, etc.), pick her up and place her in the litter box. You can feed her hay to encourage her.

Step 3: If the rabbit poops outside the box, scoop it and bring it to the litter box.

This action is necessary to help the rabbit understand that this is where she’s supposed to poop.

Step 4: Keep the litter box clean

The cleaner the litter box, the more likely it will be for her to use it. Change the hay and bedding as often as possible to eliminate odor and keep the space clean. Also, cleaning the litter box every two to four weeks is important. To clean the litter box, use pet-safe cleaners or make your own using water and vinegar.

Best Litter Material for a Rabbit


Now that you have a few options for the best rabbit litter, you can confidently choose the right one for your bunny. Our best pick is the Kaytee Wood Pellets for Small Animals. It stands out with the most amazing benefits in terms of value and cost.

If you’re looking for a more affordable option, FreshNews Recycled Paper Litter can be your go-to litter because it serves the purpose while still saving you some money. 

For anyone looking to buy a litter, please try to avoid the following types: clay litter, clumping litter, and pine or cedar wood shaving litter. 

Safety litters include the following: paper (recycled paper, pelleted, fluffy, newspaper) litter; aspen litter; and wheat (Ox-Bow litter). Safe litters are all compostable.

We hope that this article serves as a guide to help you pick the most suitable rabbit litter.

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Jennifer Bourassa is a passionate animal lover and the founder of The Rabbit Retreat, a website dedicated to educating rabbit owners and providing them with the necessary resources to care for their furry friends. With over a decade of experience in rabbit care, Jennifer is a knowledgeable and compassionate advocate for these beloved pets. Jennifer's love for rabbits started when she adopted her first bunny, Thumper, and quickly realized the joy and challenges that come with rabbit ownership. Since then, she has made it her mission to help other rabbit owners navigate the ins and outs of bunny care, from feeding and grooming to housing and more. With The Rabbit Retreat, Jennifer hopes to build a community of like-minded rabbit enthusiasts who can share their experiences and support one another in providing the best possible care for their furry companions.