Are Girl or Boy Rabbits Better Pets? Pros and Cons of Each

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Are Girl or Boy Rabbits Better Pets?

Considering buying a pet rabbit but not sure if boy or girl rabbits are better? Well, who doesn’t?

Sure, rabbits are super cute and make amazing pets, but they’re also super high-maintenance.

Bunnies need lots of space to run around in (and not just because they’re fast). They need toys to chew on, so they don’t destroy your furniture. And they need lots of food, a lot more than you think.

So when it comes down to getting a pet rabbit, which one is better among all these cute little fluffy creatures? 

Male or Female Rabbits: Which Makes a Better Pet?

Rabbits are among the most lovable of pets. They are cute, easy to handle, social, and very playful.

It’s entirely up to you and your preferences. However, females are easier to care for and get along with other animals better than males. Females also tend to be calmer and less aggressive than males. 

On the other hand, male rabbits are often more fun-loving and playful than females. Male rabbits also tend to be larger than females and have longer ears (in some breeds).

If you’re concerned about getting your child involved in caring for their pet rabbit, then it may be best to choose a female rabbit who will bond more closely with them than their male counterpart would. 

However, if you prefer a more boisterous pet that likes running around outside of its cage and playing with toys, then a male rabbit might be more suitable for your family situation.

Differences Between Male and Female Rabbits

If you’re considering adding a rabbit to your family, you’ll want to know which type is best for you. Here’s what you need to know about the differences between male and female rabbits:

Body Shape and Size

Male rabbits tend to be larger than females and have broader heads, longer ears, and thicker necks than females do. Males also tend to have larger testicles than females do.

Differences in Genitals

Male rabbits have testicles that stick out of their bodies, while the female’s genitals are located within her body. 

The male’s reproductive organ is called a “penis” and comprises two tubes—one tube carries sperm, and the other carries urine. 

The female rabbit has two ovaries containing her eggs and an opening called “vaginae.” 

Fur Lengths

Male rabbits have longer fur than their female counterparts, with shorter fur that tends to be more dense and fuzzy. 

However, this isn’t always the case. Some female breeds, like Holland Lops, may have longer fur than males.


Female rabbits tend to be cleaner than male rabbits because of their self-grooming behavior. 

They spend more time cleaning themselves than do males, which can lead to less shedding, better hygiene, and fewer medical problems.


Studies show that rabbits are typically very territorial and can be aggressive if someone invades their territory.

Females are generally more territorial. They are often known to be more aggressive than males. They will fight other females, but they will also fight with males.

If a male rabbit is introduced into an existing female’s territory, she will often attack him to make him leave her area. 

Two rabbit on a table
Two rabbits on a table

Destructive Habits 

Female rabbits are naturally inclined to dig holes.

As per the study, female bunnies display burrowing behavior in wild habitats for nesting and housing their babies

They will excavate anything underfoot, be it carpeting or grass.

Rabbit proofing is an option to save your outdoor space from these holes.

Rabbit-proofing a garden or outdoor space involves laying down a secure surface against which the rabbit cannot dig. 

Get your wire mesh today to save your outdoor space.


Spraying: rabbits urinating on different surfaces, usually to mark territory. It is more common in females than in males. 

Your rabbit may even resort to this behavior when she feels threatened (males don’t spray in these cases as often as females).

Spraying is not a medical condition. If your rabbit has been spayed, she should stop spraying entirely within two weeks of the surgery. 

Bonding Easily

Male rabbits tend to be more easygoing and calm. They are very laid back. 

They can bond more quickly because of their extroverted nature than female rabbits, which can be a bit aggressive to new owners. Hence, making them easier pets to have around the house. 

Female rabbits are more aggressive than males because they have been known to bite people when they feel threatened or in danger. 

An aggressive female rabbit might also cause harm if you try to handle her without any prior experience handling them or if you try taking her out of her cage.

Differences in Lifestyle

Female rabbits usually live longer than males do, up to 10 years as opposed to 7 years for males.

This difference may reflect how long it takes them to reach sexual maturity and begin reproducing.

Care Needs

Male rabbits usually require more care than females because they tend to get into more trouble. Males are more active and have more energy than females. 

They will often chew on things they shouldn’t and may even try to escape their cage if given a chance. 

Females are less active and easier to handle than males. They also don’t need to be neutered unless you plan to breed them later down the road.

Can a Male and a Female Rabbit Live in the Same Cage?

If you’re still on the fence and thinking of adopting a pair of rabbits, you might be wondering whether you can keep both bunnies in the same cage. 

Male and female rabbits can live together in the same cage. However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind before adopting a pair of rabbits:

  • The male rabbit will be aggressive towards other males, so ensure that you have only one male rabbit in your home.
  • Female rabbits can get pregnant quite easily, so make sure you don’t have any male rabbits in the cage. 

If you want more than one pair of rabbits at home, then keep them separately in separate cages and keep them together for only a few hours every day.

Male Rabbits VS Female Rabbits: The Differences

Female vs. Male Rabbits: Which One Should I Choose?

Ultimately, it comes down to you, your family, and your situation. If you’re looking for a rabbit that will be happy living primarily by itself, then a male rabbit is probably right for you. 

On the other hand, if you have the time and ability to devote yourself to a friendly, social companion that will reward you with affection and companionship over many years, it’s hard to go wrong with a female bunny.

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Jennifer Bourassa is a passionate animal lover and the founder of The Rabbit Retreat, a website dedicated to educating rabbit owners and providing them with the necessary resources to care for their furry friends. With over a decade of experience in rabbit care, Jennifer is a knowledgeable and compassionate advocate for these beloved pets. Jennifer's love for rabbits started when she adopted her first bunny, Thumper, and quickly realized the joy and challenges that come with rabbit ownership. Since then, she has made it her mission to help other rabbit owners navigate the ins and outs of bunny care, from feeding and grooming to housing and more. With The Rabbit Retreat, Jennifer hopes to build a community of like-minded rabbit enthusiasts who can share their experiences and support one another in providing the best possible care for their furry companions.